Best Value

Best Value

Best Value is about a different way of organizing and purchasing. It is a view, a shift in paradigm, an optimized environment of experts who add value and minimize costs.

Best Value Philosophy

Best Value is an American approach developed by Dr Dean Kashiwagi, which strives for the most value at the best price. In Best Value projects, the contractor takes the lead, so that his expertise is optimally utilized.

At Best Value, the principle of imposing a lot of requirements is left to the tenderers.After all, the more of these standards are set, the less space remains for the tenderers
to distinguish themselves on quality. In this way, providers are encouraged to enroll at a (too) low price and thus acquire the work.

At Best Value the contractor is therefore 'in the lead'. Tenderers thus have the opportunity to show their expertise to the maximum. Important at Best Value is that a client must 'dare' to let go. The entrepreneur who offers the best price-quality ratio, therefore gets all the space to distinguish himself from his competitors.
By keeping an eye on potential opportunities and possible risks, he ensures that the project goals of the client are met within budget, according to plan.

The advantage for the tenderers: limited costs in the tendering phase and more opportunities to distinguish themselves from their competitors. The advantage for the client: a better result, without having to check every step of the contractor.

Watch the videos below

> 95% of the more than 2,100 Best Value projects were executed within planning and budget

Best Value Basis 1
video Dean Kashiwagi

Best Value Basis 2
video Dean Kashiwagi

Best Value Basis 3
video Jeroen van de Rijt

Best Value Purchasing Process

01 Preparation

In the preparation phase, the client must deepen the methodology and become skilled in recognizing the entrepreneur who offers the best price-quality ratio. The objectives are also formulated at this stage.

02 Selection

The goal is to find the provider with the best price-quality combination. The emphasis here is on quality (at least 75% of the assessment). Much value is attached to the performance foundation, the risk file, the chances file and the interviews with key figures.

03 Concretize

In the concretization phase, the intended contractor will elaborate his plan in further detail. For example, a detailed planning is drawn up and the risks and control measures are further elaborated.

04 Execution

In the implementation phase, the contractor has the entire project in mind because in the previous phases everything has been thought through and discussed. In this phase, the performance of the contractor and the client are measured.
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